I’m passionate about lettering and illustrating. I love to design home decor, apparel and stationery.

I hope to contribute a lot of nice things!

I love objects from nature, antique stores and handmade goods. I’m always looking for lettering specimens.

I’m enchanted by the beauty of plants. I find them endlessly fascinating!

Located in Canada.

Thank you so much for your kind comments, purchases, feedback and photos!

  • I work in Adobe Illustrator to create the vector files, based off sketches, paintings, calligraphy, lettering and fonts. I also use Photoshop and Procreate for digital drawings.

  • I mostly use Golden SoFlat Matte acrylic. I love the vibrant colour and matte finish.

    For pen and ink, I often use Dr. Ph Martin Pen White and also the Iridescent Copperplate Gold. I also like using the Higgins Neutral Grey (usually instead of black ink)

    My favourite paper to use is Arches 140 lb Cold Pressed 100% Cotton!

I’m especially drawn to designing front porch signs! I often design these at a 12x48” size, another popular size is 10x36”. I can re-size designs to better fit your material, too!